Energy Diet - Food as Medicine

Energy Diet – Food as Medicine 🍎
“Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates
Most of you have heard this quote by now, if we practice this, our body can respond quickly to the positive changes. 🤩
Our body has the innate ability to heal itself given the right conditions, it has the ability to repair itself, it was designed to do so. Otherwise, every time we cut ourselves, we’d bleed out or if we caught a cold we would die.
Research shows the major causes of disease are toxicity, inflammation, and lack of nutrients. The Energy Diet module from our Energy Path program (join the waitlist HERE) focuses on anti-inflammatory, nutrient dense and plant based whole foods that will support your whole body.
What are some of the diseases caused by inflammation?
Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, Crohn’s disease, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes & obesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, lupus, Hashimoto’s disease and even cancer. The list is long enough that most of us will want to avoid inflammation in our body.
Dr. Nuzum explains it this way, “irritation leads to inflammation which leads to infection. We need to lower the inflammation in our bodies, stop digesting things that irritate our gut hence irritate our brain which will stop the infections.”
Some foods will cause inflammatory response in your body and make your body acidic which is where cancer cells tend to grow. While other foods have healing properties and are nutrient dense which has the opposite effect on your body resulting in an alkaline environment with plenty of oxygen for your body to function properly. We dive much deeper into specific healing foods and their effect on the body in the Energy Diet module (join the waitlist HERE) but choosing to eat real food is a great start. The less processed your food is, the better for your gut, brain, and overall energy & vitality