84% of professionals suffer from this

84% of professionals suffer from this, are you one of them?


WOW 84% that is a high number! Most of us don’t even know what is transpiring because the change is so gradual! I’m talking about work related chronic stress and burnout.


It starts out so innocently but ends on a very slippery slope. Which phase of burnout are you in?


Phase 1 The Honeymoon

We get excited about the new job or business we’re starting. We’re enthusiastic about the opportunity to take on new challenges. The creativity and problem solving is flowing freely and our optimism is high.


Phase 2 Subconscious Disregard

We start to realize that some days are more difficult than others; anxiety, fatigue, forgetfulness and even headaches are common in this phase. We start to avoid decision making, start grinding our teeth at night, have troubles sleeping and don’t have much desire for social interaction… it seems like too much effort! Optimism is now waning, and work is becoming more of a priority than health, we start making bad food choices to save time.


Phase 3 Chronic Stress

Our optimism about the new job or business has now turned into chronic stress. We exhibit anger or aggressive behavior, apathy, chronic exhaustion, decreased sex drive, some experience panic attacks and physical illness. We start to become cynical, denial of reality is common, and we start turning to more stimulants or even drugs and alcohol while withdrawing from things we enjoyed in the past. Our work performance starts to suffer, we miss deadlines, start coming in late and the desire for escapism activities, like vacations, increases.


Phase 4 Burnout

This is the phase where more physical symptoms show up; prediabetes, chronic headaches along with stomach and bowel problems, extreme emotions and mood changes are experienced. Now we’re so far down the hole that we’re neglecting our personal needs and are isolating ourselves from just about everything and everyone; we just want to drop out of society! Our outlook on work and life has become pessimistic, our confidence is gone, and in some cases, we want to leave behind everything we know.


Phase 5 Trauma

Only 17% of working professionals turn to coaching or counseling for help, unfortunately most end up in habitual burnout or full-blown trauma. Chronic mental and physical fatigue have become the norm at this phase, and we wonder if there is a way out of the hell we’re in?! Some seek the help of a physician and end up on antidepressants due to chronic sadness and depression. As a result, they can eventually face addictions and various negative side effects. At this phase, it’s only a matter of time before the body starts to shut down in one way or another resulting in serious diseases… What a slippery slope this is!


Which phase do you identify with?


As mentioned only 17% of those suffering burnout seek coaching help. I personally recovered from phase 5 through natural means and want to share proven steps to recovery so you also can reclaim your energy and vitality. It’s time to stop the unnecessary suffering and start your healing journey.


I have a question for you, do you love yourself enough to desire change?  I believe there is hope! Join me for my 10 Day Recharge Challenge starting Feb. 2, 2021 register here https://www.subscribepage.com/v9u3g7


P.S. Please share this with others to give them hope.